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Black Sky

New Release

Where Fate Whispers 


In the Twin Realms of Nos and Sol, Ceridwen Moonshade anxiously awaits the Fated Pair Choosing; she hopes to be partnered with her best friend, Malakai Ostara.

But the Fates have other plans.

Something insidious lurks amongst the shadows, and Ceridwen’s whole life will turn on its head, when an ominous prophecy is foretold. In order to save the realms and stave back the horrors of the lower realm of Fog, she must put aside her own growing feelings for Malakai and do what is right.

But in the process of discovering who she really is, and what she is capable of… will she realise that Fate isn’t always set in stone?

ebook cover Where Fate Whispers by E. G. Tudor.jpg

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This book is absolutely phenomenal. I felt every emotion while reading, and that’s not always something that happens when I open a book.

The characters were so well done and I loved every single one do them. The Fated trope is one of my favorites, so I knew I would love this book before I even opened it, and I wasn’t disappointed at all.

'Do give this book a read, I gobbled it up so quickly!' ~ Goodreads Reviewer.


This book had me hooked from the first chapter. A beautifully written tale following Ceridwen and Malakai's ominous story. A wonderful first installment for this trilogy. I cannot wait for book 2

'Her writing includes many beautiful turns of phrase...' ~ Amazon Reviewer.

What an amazing story!! I immediately fell in love with the land of Nos and it’s cool night skies and other worldly vibe (in this heat wave it was especially refreshing!)

I love fantasy that creates lands with unique cultures and belief systems, but sometimes they can be so complex you have to read a page 10 times to figure out what the hell is going on. Tudor, however, weaved in the details of the Fates so naturally it was easy to understand and didn’t distract from the story at all.


'Told in a lush, vivid, poetic and utterly exquisite writing style...' ~ Goodreads Reviewer.

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About E.G. Tudor

E.G. Tudor is an award-winning multi-genre author from the beautiful South Wales coast, where she lives with her husband, four children, and crazy dog. She is the author of the well-received middle grade fantasy  'Through the Fairy Door' series, written under the name Estelle Grace Tudor, and the author of Upper YA romantic fantasy 'The Fated Partners' trilogy. She also writes historical romance with a fantastical twist under the pseudonym Estella. G. Fogg.

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